Joel + Amos

Disaster struck the southern kingdom of Judah in the form of a cloud of locusts and in a matter of hours, the fields were stripped bare. Joel seizes this occasion to proclaim God’s message and warns of approaching judgment, calls the people to repentance, and gives God’s people hope for the coming day of salvation that will follow repentance.

Amos addresses the excessive pursuit of luxury, self-indulgence, and oppression of the poor which characterized the period of prosperity and success in the northern kingdom of Israel under Jeroboam II. It is an eloquent witness against those who subordinate human need and dignity to the pursuit of wealth and pleasure.

We provide a general outline for each book of the Bible, as well as individual handouts with discussion questions for each lesson. We hope these resources help you know God and grow in your understanding of His plan for your life.

Download Joel Outline and Amos Outline




Obadiah + Jonah + Micah